What is "Preaching?"
What is "preaching?"
Preaching in its Greek New Testament definition and use is simply to proclaim. It means to make an official announcement or public declaration. The important question then becomes, "What should be publicly proclaimed in preaching?"
The prophets came proclaiming the "burden" of the words and message that the LORD God had placed upon them. They proclaimed/preached God's Word.
Jesus came and preached/proclaimed the Words that His Father had given to Him. "Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” - Mark 1:14–15 "He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father’s who sent Me." - John 14:24
Logos vs. Rhema - Word of God vs. Word of Man
When God spoke His Word to the prophets, it was His spoken Word for them at that time. When God's Word to the prophets became written, it became a part of the Logos Word of God, or written Word. When God the Father spoke His Word to Jesus it was at the time of utterance His Rhema spoken Word. But when this same Word was written, it became a part of the Logos written Word. When a preacher or teacher or prophet speaks today, he may be proclaiming from the Logos written Word of God. If it is truly the Spirit of God inspiring him to speak specific words into the contemporary situation beyond the written words, it is in a certain sense a Rhema spoken Word of God for a particular situation (although this word will never become a part of the written Word). This Rhema word cannot disagree with the Logos written Word. If the same preacher, teacher, or prophet is speaking into a contemporary situation from his own inspiration, the words he speaks are simply men's words and should fall to the ground and hopefully not lead anyone astray. Much teaching and preaching today is only the words of men.
What then is preaching in the Biblical sense?
Preaching in its Biblical use is ALWAYS the proclamation of GOD's WORD in its Logos and/or Rhema Greek senses.
Seed4Soil Makes God's Written Word the Sermon and Message
We firmly believe that we should make God's Written Word (Logos Word) our sermon and message. Our methodology makes the written Word our sermon/message and sets it firmly into our consciousness, often via oral methods, before we move into observation and application. We then trust God's Spirit to open His Word to our understanding and speak into our situation a current Rhema spoken Word, which most likely will be a personal or group application of the written Logos Word to their lives. We must always be aware that this kind of word cannot disagree with the written Logos Word of God. If it disagrees with the written Word, then it is another voice than that of the Spirit of God.