Basic Training - Level 1
STRATEGIES 1 - Bible Storytelling and Word Engagement Training
Course Overview
This is a Bible Storytelling and Word Engagement strategies training that teaches basic Scripture storytelling and dialogue skills and key strategies to engage with God's Word in a way that God's Word becomes flesh. The course has 1) six Bible storytelling and dialogue sessions learning God's Word together; 2) five group activities for learning Bible stories and practicing storytelling and dialogue in small groups; 3) five teaching sessions for the five strategies; and 4) a number of smaller sessions dealing with technical and methodological issues.
Normally this course is usually taught as a two-day intensive, although there are options to do the course over a longer period of time. Below is the course syllabus.
Training Focus
How can we come to Jesus, hear His Words, and do them? (Luke 6:46-49)
Bible Storytelling & Engagement Strategies Training Description:
You will observe Bible storytelling and dialogue modeled in seven simple steps.
You will learn five strategies for transformational Scripture engagement based on the example of Jesus and the Bible.
You will learn and apply these strategies practically in group activities by learning a story, sharing it, and engaging in dialogue questions.
You will have an interactive encounter with God’s Living Word and learn tools for enjoying a lifetime of dynamic spiritual growth.
You will learn to teach others the Seven Steps of Bible Storytelling & Dialogue.
Bible Storytelling & Engagement Strategies
Plant Seed in Soil (Eat God’s Word in the Body) – Like Jesus
Hear & Obey God’s Word– Like Jesus
Use Stories, Examples, & Questions for Discovery – Like Jesus
Use God’s Word as Spirit & Life (Breathe God’s Word) – Like Jesus
Make Space for Hearing & Responding – Like Jesus